The Disability Services Office empowers students with medical, physical, psychological, and temporary disabilities to achieve their educational, career, and personal goals.

Contact Us:

Maloney Hall, Suite 448
Phone: 617-552-3470

Registration Directions

残疾服务办公室为有医疗、身体或心理残疾的学生提供服务. Students with learning disabilities and/or ADHD should register with the Connors Family Learning Center


To Register with the Disability Services Office:

1. Complete the registration form below.

2. Upload the medical documentation to registration form.

3. Schedule an intake appointment using the DSO online scheduling calendar.  


Registration Form

Please note: All housing accommodation requests are due by Friday, February 2nd.

For questions email:


该文件是使合理便利要求合法化的基础. Please see documentation guidelines below that correspond to the nature of your disability. 你的治疗提供者将需要写一封信,包括这些指南中概述的信息.

Disability Services Student Handbook

Guidelines for medical and physical conditions and chronic illnesses

Guidelines for mental health disorders

Guidelines for traumatic brain injuries

Guidelines for medically restricted diet 

Documentation must be on letterhead from diagnosing physician or primary care physician's office. 

Legal Rights

Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 requires that:

No otherwise qualified individual with a disability in the United States . . . shall, solely by reason of her or his disability, be excluded from the participation in, be denied the benefits of, 或在接受联邦财政援助的任何项目或活动中受到歧视 . . .

Section 504 and Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) prohibit the discriminatory assignment of disabled students to segregated classes or facilities. These laws apply to elementary and secondary as well as postsecondary schools. In elementary and secondary schools, 只有在需要为残疾学生提供平等的教育机会时,才可将他们分配到单独的设施或特殊教育课程. Any separate facilities, 单独设施提供的服务必须与其他设施和服务具有可比性.

To determine what the educational needs of a disabled student may be, schools must carry out preliminary evaluation and placement procedures.

Grievance Policy

Should students not be able to receive adequate services as defined through their documentation, they have the right to seek assistance through the Student Grievance Procedure for Students with Disabilities.

Temporary Impairments

Temporary impairments are not listed as disabilities under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA); however, 我们尽一切努力为有暂时残疾的学生提供支持和帮助. Accommodations may include the use of a laptop, extended time on exams, use of the Eagle Escort van service, 或者通过刷卡进入政府文件室,以绕过坎帕内拉路21号旁边的奥尼尔图书馆楼梯.

Building Accessibility

Dining Hall Accessibility and Transportation Information

How do I request a disability-related housing accommodation?

Requesting a housing accommodation is a three step process as outlined below:

  • Complete the Disability Services Registration Form online
  • Submit documentation (either attach it with your online registration, or email/fax it to the Disability Services email Please review Documentation requirements on our website
  • Make an initial registration meeting with Disability Services staff.


What housing accommodations are available based on a disability?

  • Rooms with semi-private bathrooms
  • Strobe lights in the bedroom
  • Dorm with an elevator
  • Room on the first floor
  • Rooms with air conditioning


Is there a deadline by which I need to submit a housing accommodation request?

Yes, 返校学生申请住宿的截止日期为2月的第一个星期五,新生申请住宿的截止日期为6月1日.


What happens if I miss the deadline? Can I still submit a request?

You can still submit a request; however, 即使我们认为您的要求在医学上是必要的,我们也不能保证我们能满足您的需要. It will depend on what housing options are still available after your request has been reviewed.


Can I choose the residence hall that I want to live in if approved for an accommodation?

No, if you are approved for an accommodation, you will be placed in a location that has a room that meets the approved accommodation. 


If I'm approved for an accommodation and receive a specific placement, can I bring my friends with me?

You would be permitted to bring one other person with you to your housing assignment.


Can I live with students of a different class year if I have a housing accommodation?

No, you must live with students from your same class year.


If I had an accommodation last year, do I need to reapply?

Yes, 住宿生活将需要知道你是否喜欢同样的住宿,这样他们就可以为你安排相应的住宿.


Do all buildings have elevators?

Most of the buildings do, but some do not. We can also provide a room on the first floor as an accommodation.


If I have AD(H)D or a learning disability, where can I find a quiet place to study?



Can I request a specific type of housing (eg. 8 person suite) as an accommodation?

No, students can request housing accommodations that are medically necessary only.


If I receive housing accommodations, do I still need to complete the housing application?

Yes, 在我们考虑你的住宿要求之前,我们需要知道你希望住在校园里.


If granted, will my housing accommodation be guarenteed?

The Disability Services Office will make every effort to provide an approved accommodation; however, housing accommodations are subject to availability.

How do you report an accessibility concern?


When should you report an accessibility problem?

报告访问问题,如电梯停止服务或行政或学术大楼门上的按钮发生故障. 无障碍报告表格旨在让卑诗社区的成员报告残疾服务办公室不知道的物理访问障碍, and that it wishes to resolve quickly.

Who receives the report?


How are accessibility problems addressed?


Will the reporting party expect a response?

Yes, if you choose to include your contact information on the form, we will get in touch once the problem has been resolved.

Disability Services Office Learning Outcomes for Students:

Students who interact with the Disability Services Office will:

  1. Know that the DSO is a resource and what services and accommodations are available.
  2. Know how to register for disability-related accommodations.
  3. Understand how to utilize their accommodations.
  4. Be able to advocate for their own accommodation needs.